Câu hỏi về câu ví dụ, định nghĩa và cách sử dụng của "Djoudj"

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The Djoudj National Bird Park (PNOD) is located in the northwestern part of the Senegal Delta, just south of Western Sahara and therefore of great importance for migratory birds. Created in 1971 for the conservation of a territory of extraordinary importance, the PNOD covers an area of 16,000 hectares and is surrounded by six villages (Débi, Tiguet, Diadiem I, II and III, Djoudj village).

Being on a flood basin of the Senegal River, the Park is one of the continental wintering sites for Migratory Birds of the Western Palearctic and the numerous migrants and African residents. Thus, in 1981, it was inscribed on the List of UNESCO World Heritage Sites and in 1984, on the List of Wetlands of International Importance of the Ramsar Convention. Today, the ornithological biodiversity of the park is more than 350 species of birds with up to 4,000,000 individuals. This large number of species makes PNOD a tourist attraction with more than 13,000 visitors per year.

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