Câu hỏi về câu ví dụ, định nghĩa và cách sử dụng của "Internal"

Từ giống với "Internal" và sự khác biệt giữa chúng

Q: Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa internal và inferior ?
A: Ah, I see. That does seem more likely. Sure.

They are similar. Both "internal" and "interior" mean things that are inside. But they are often used for different situations.

Internal tends to be used for the insides of objects or people. Internal is like the insides of physical bodies. Or the internal structures of organizations/businesses (policies and problems between different employees or different departments in the same office would all be internal parts of the company structure and work). The inside of a computer, or the inside of a machine. Roughly speaking, things which have a body, the things that are inside of that body overall structure would be 'internal'.

"Interior" mostly just is used for the insides of rooms or buildings. So "interior decorating" is the term for designing how the rooms inside of a home or building are decorated (paint, carpet, pictures on the walls, all the decisions that make the interior of a building look a certain way to feel comfortable or professional or important or stylish). Interior is mostly used for the insides of buildings or rooms, but sometimes can be used for the insides of other impersonal spaces. Like if I needed to describe the inside of a box or a suitcase, I could use 'interior' for that. But I wouldn't use 'internal', because it's more like a space instead of being like a body for something.

One way to show the difference would be using a car for an example: the "interior" of a car would be in the part of the inside where you sit, or the inside of the trunk where you can store objects. Those are more like rooms or spaces, so 'interior' fits the best.

But the "internals" of a car would be the insides of the car that makes it run and function, so under the hood where the engine is, or underneath the car. Any place where all the guts of the car are. Internals of a car are the things like brakes, engine, axles, the gas tank, the battery, etc. So "internals" are more like the insides of the machine that make it 'alive' enough to function (even though it is not truly a living thing, of course, so that is symbolic only).

Những câu hỏi khác về "Internal"

Q: Internal recruitment is not taken into account in my internship workplace.
The advantages of internal recruitment are numerous and of greater importance when compared to any disadvantages considered.

Internal recruitment is a choice created to cover short-term needs that depend on the internal replacement of personnel who went away. Today the benefits for a company that wants to adopt internal recruitment are different; The first advantage can be the development of internal talents, the improvement of the growth and development of personnel in general and the consequent higher level of retention, but above all, the increase of employees' engagement, as this methodology shows to employees that even the most managerial positions can be covered by people inside the company, it increases their motivation and sense of belonging, with a consequent positive return in terms of productivity.
Nowadays there are still several barriers about internal recruitment for management, due in part to the lack of technological tools that make it possible to monitor the growth and professional development of employees in terms of performance and skills. A great deal then depends on the managerial choices that, sometimes, make certain managers choose an external candidate who can bring a very different approach, in discontinuity with the past, bringing that contamination that can positively enrich the company.

Anyway, internal recruitment has some disadvantages too: First and foremost, managers fear that they will lose the best resources of their team. This thought hampers the use of this methodology. Another obstacle is the limitation of the number of potential candidates, which logically decreases considerably if done internally. Furthermore, another example of disadvantage are the problems of resentment between the employees not selected and the possible contrasts that may arise with the manager. In this sense the role of the manager is fundamental to create serenity within the workplace and to avoid the pre-existing balance to be broken after an internal recruitment.

It's important that internship coordinators really take ownership of their role and make sure that every intern is going to enter in a safe and structured internship program. A few tips for successful internship program are, first off, to create a well-planned and efficient system: with a start date, a mid-evaluation date and the final date. The second one is having an approved tasks list, with every task associated with a learning initiative: before the start date of the internship, coordinators must discuss and decide with the whole team about what they want the interns to help them with. Another tip is to make sure that everyone in the company understands what an intern can and cannot do: the internship coordinator must be the gatekeeper to every intern, so if anyone of the executives in the company need to request intern time, they need to go through supervisors, creating the right chain of command. Finally, another thing that is often missing during internships is the evaluation: providing feedback is necessary for internship, specially when working with young people that never interned before. So internship coordinators must make sure to make, at least, a midway through evaluation and a final exit interview where supervisors can get feedback from the students about the internship experience and they can get them feedback on their performance. cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?

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