Câu hỏi về câu ví dụ, định nghĩa và cách sử dụng của "Lee"

Những câu hỏi khác về "Lee"

Q: Nowadays lee tae im's insultation video clips is issue in korea. But korean people are totally having different thought from foreign people because korean people are all insane. The clip's dialog is that lee tae im kept abusing yewon by insulation because lee is senior to yewon and older than yewon. Yewon was keep enduring those her insultation all the way to the end and at last she insulted little at the end. But korean people took side of lee instead of yewon. Personally i think the reason is that korean people are enjoying to abuse yonger and lower and weaker people than themselves so lee's behavior looked very natural for korean people because korean people also insulted and abused verbally to lower and weaker people in daily life. It's just korean people's culture. cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?

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