Câu hỏi về câu ví dụ, định nghĩa và cách sử dụng của "Pie"

Những câu hỏi khác về "Pie"

Q: Japanese must usually associate pie with an apple pie , but I made a strawberry pie today because my sister said to me “l want to eat a strawberry pie. ”. In fact, she is going to take a national examination of care worker tomorrow. Since she always has a smile on her face and l was encouraged by her smile through the most difficult time of my life, l wanted to support her this time by fulfilling her wishes. After l made it, I ate it with my family for dinner. It is not a fat forms such as an apple pie, but it is very delicious. One thing I thought is that it is wonderful to action for someone who I love. Tomorrow, my sister will pass the examination by a strawberry pie. I hope it !


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