Câu hỏi về câu ví dụ, định nghĩa và cách sử dụng của "Sentence"

Ý nghĩa của "Sentence" trong các cụm từ và câu khác nhau

Câu ví dụ sử dụng "Sentence"

Q: Hãy chỉ cho tôi những câu ví dụ với which sentence wrong ?.
A: "A comparison between my maths teacher and geometry teacher reveals some surprising similarities." Good.

"First, both are logical." This sounds a bit weird. I would prefer to say "First, both think logically" or "First, both are logical people."

"For example my maths teacher, Anil, like solving problems." Use a comma after "For example." And "like solving problems" should be "likes solving problems" or "likes to solve problems."

"Similarly, my geometry teacher, Kaan, is helps solve difficult problems for us." The word "is" is not needed.

"For example of this, if you don't solve maths problem, you can ask the question." You need "an" after "For", like "For an example of this." You can also say "As an example of this." The rest needs a little fixing: "For an example of this, if you can't solve a maths problem, you can ask him for help."

"Both Anil and Kaan helps for you." Try saying instead "Both Anil and Kaan are helpful." or "Both Anil and Kaan are willing to help you."

"Secondly, not only my maths teacher but also my geometry teacher go to gym." The "not only my baths teacher but also my geometry teacher" isn't needed and sounds strange as we already know you're talking about them. You should simply say "Secondly, they both...". Need a "the" before gym. "Secondly, they both go to the gym."

"Anil and Kaan look very much alike." Sounds good.

"Anil is as tall as Kaan." Sounds good.

"They both has a moustache and a beard." The word "both" is plural, so use "have" instead of "has." "They both have a moustache and a beard."

"If your teachers has a really good sense of humour, life becomes joyful." The word "teachers" is plural, so use "have" instead of "has". Next, saying "a really good sense of humour" implies that your teachers collectively have the same sense of humour. If you make it plural, you are saying that they each have their own. Lastly, I would recommend saying "more joyful" instead of "joyful" alone. Here's what I would say overall: "If your teachers have good senses of humour, your life becomes more joyful."

The above fixes your sentences, but it doesn't help the flow of the paragraph. Here's how I would rewrite the entire thing.

A comparison between my maths teacher and geometry teacher reveals some surprising similarities. First, both think logically. For example, my maths teacher, Anil, likes solving problems. Similarly, my geometry teacher, Kaan, helps us solve difficult problems. As an example of this, if you aren't able to solve a maths problem, you can ask him for help. As a result, both Anil and Kaan are quite helpful. Secondly, both of them regularly go to the gym and look very much alike. For example, they are about the same height and each have a moustache and a beard. If your teachers have really good senses of humor, your life becomes more joyful. In conclusion, they are both really good people. Because of this, I feel lucky everyday.

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