Kết quả tìm kiếm cho Answer

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Answer có nghĩa là gì?

It would be helpful if you can give a complete sentence of what you want to say. If "answer" is used as noun, it means "response or reply ". If it's used as verb, you are reacting to someone's ques...
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A: The phone is ringing
B: I ________ it

Will answer
would answer

Will answer it. If you are definitely about to do it. I would answer usually means there's a condition why you you're not answering. I would answer it if I didn't have to look after my sister. I wo...
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Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa Answer Answer key ?

Answer key is something that has all the answers to something
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Which ones are correct?

a. Answer to a question.
b. Answer a question.

c. Answer a person.
d. A...

A and c are correct
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Which sentences are correct?

a) Answer to me
b) Answer me

c) Answer to my question
d) Answer my...

b and d
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Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa Answer (verb) Answer up ?

@magasum No, I don’t think it’s fake lol. It’s just not something I’ve heard before. The phrase c...
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@joeni d
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Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa Answer me. Answer my question. ?

In most practical situations, no difference. But sometimes "answer me" places the focus on the personal relationship, the listener's attitude toward the speaker (please accord me the respect of ans...
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