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What is the most popular and reliable YouTube News Channel: CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, ABC News, CBS N...

All them have their own biases. Fox in particular is ridiculous and peddles conspiracy theories as a business. If I'm interested in a story, I read the same article from multiple sources and look f...
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CBS News, Fox News, CNN News NBC News, SkyNews, ABC News, MSNBC, which one is the best and which ...

There is really no best or worst-- some just have slightly different political biases. Personally I like MSNBC, CBS, and CNN the most-- but it all depends on which one you like.
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Which of these News Channels is more reliable?

1) CBS News.
2) ABC News.
3) NBC News.

I like CBS, but it’s a complete matter of opinion
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Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa News News Article ?

I read an interesting article on CNN the other day. I watch the news every night on TV. My son had to cut an article out of the paper and talk about it in front of his class yesterday. I received g...
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News flash có nghĩa là gì?

In this case 'News flash' is used as American (US) slang. It means "to let something be known or to make something aware." - To broadcast.
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BuzzFeed News có nghĩa là gì?

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News flash có nghĩa là gì?

News flash: a single important item that is broadcast and often interrupts other programs. But since you saw this in a drama, its meaning should be something like "pointing out something importa...
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News flash có nghĩa là gì?

@litterbirdmoon. news flash means an important piece of information is coming. In the US it is often used sarcastically to express something that should be obvious to the person it's being said to...
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News report có nghĩa là gì?

"News" Is something of note about the current situation, usually globally or nationally. A "News report" is a cut down version that shows only the most important stuff out of all of the information.
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Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa Fake News Real News ?

Fake news is when the media reports things that didn’t really happen, or when the facts are messe...
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